- Product Management, Product Design
- Web App Development / SPAs
- UX / UI Planning & Workflow
- Remote Team Coordination and Tools
I'm a life long learner.
Remote Work ProfessionalI work remotely effectively just as I do in person. I was on the front page of the Globe & Mail for when I travelled Western Europe alone for 9 weeks while working remotely, visiting a total of 5 countries and 7 cities . Travel inspires me to do greater things. Lessons learned on remote working I carry with me to every new team I work with.
Team PlayerI have participated in two Startup Weekends and am now co-organizing my 2nd. I published "Intro To JavaScript" available on Skillshare. My more recent Gumroad Challenge product is SQL For Zombies which continues to sell without any marketing! I've written many blog posts I share knowledge because it makes myself and my team stronger.
Polyglot and HackerThings I've worked on the side:
Recent WorkBusiness Analyst for A Nutrition Company - I am helping document and outline our strategies with their developers, both front and back end, by working with everyone on the team to drive results.
UX Consultant - Headed UX as a new discipline within IT Solutions. Core AngularJS 1.5 developer with implementation of 2 full systems. A quote management system for sales reps actively in use by more than a dozen sales reps. A sales system for secondary sales. YWCA (training) - 6 week web bootcamp - 2 weeks of CIW on top of 4 weeks of my custom curriculum involving JavaScript and PHP for complete novices. Mabel's Labels (consulting) - Bringing 4 products to launch in C# with their legacy systems Kwollo - Product / JavaScript / Snap.SVG / Laravel MyMoments.ca (consulting) - Laravel 5 / Mandrill integrations / Custom Admin McMaster University (consulting)- OpenSeaDragon / Custom JavaScript image comparison tool Mabel's Labels (consulting) - Data analysis on consumer data for marketing spend decision making Perfect Cleaners (growth hacking)- Wordpress - Plugins - Themes - Integrations - Automation Eatata (consulting) - C# / Cordova / Eat-In Menu App Lamontagne Geophysics (consulting) - Laravel 5 / JavaScript / UI / Admin system for integration with software measurement tools |